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Reprogramming the Brain

On Reprogramming the Brain

Most thinking is language

The gist is that our brain creates language by default. We can only do a few things about this.

1. Do not get attached .. which also means trying to engage or getting caught up in engagement. We could call this diffused focus or expanded awareness.

2. Accept it. This is more about emotions but thought and emotion are like two sides of the coin of the mind. We can locate emotions outside of thought and in the body but it is hard to find the source of a thought.

3. Reprogram it. Here we encounter a dilemna. A Buddhist might tell you that you cannot control your thoughts. A self-help guru might tell you that changing your thoughts is the key to success and happiness. So who is right? Who is wrong?

Let’s propose a different way. First let’s say that changing your thoughts directly through effort is not possible. You can engage in a thoughtstream and somehow this seems to alter course and you feel like you are directing a conversation. It can feel like you are directing this but it is more about thinking patterns that you may be able to effect but I doubt you can control directly.

Are you just a language model

In the world of Artificial Intelligence there are things called language models. The most sophisticated as of this writing is name GPT4. This stands for Generative Pretrained Transformer. This is an astonishingly complicated set of prediction machines that have been trained on a gigantic corpus of text. Having “read” and “analyzed” this text, the prediction machine can generate new text based on what it “knows” about all text.

GPT4 can be provided new inputs that it then uses to predict new phrases and sentences. You can tell it about a subject and it can produce convincingly human-like responses.

The metaphor for our brain is imprecise but the parallels are that our brain has heard and read a smaller amount of words than GPT4 but from this has created a model of language. If you read the word “apple” immediately words manifest in your brain. You can also produce images, smells, sounds, memories, etc. but for now we are focused on words.

What is your training data

There is an underlying unconscious language model but then there are word patterns we continue to both generate and consume. By now you should have noticed online that there are patterns of language. There are some tell-tale signs of how people’s thoughts and language are influenced like the current overuse of the word “literal”. You also have buckets of beliefs that are aroused by certain words, phrases, patterns in language.

Our hypothesis is that if you read 20 news stories about any subject you will start to generate language in your brain that reuses and remixes what you read. This will become a part of your default thoughtstream.

To reprogram this we need to consume words, phrases, ideas that reflect the kind of thinking we want to be part of our default thoughtstream. This is probably why for some people in some circumstances simple affirmations can help make a change in mood. Many of these boil down to something like “I believe in myself”.

What would your best friend say

What if you had entire thoughtstreams that could be brought up that sounded like your best friend or a parent? Going beyond just a simple phrase you would need to be able to generate an entire conversation. A good practice for this is to just imagine this best friend appearing when you need them. You’re feeling a little down or anxious or angry and your best friend appears to cheer you up. It might sound silly but the more you do this the more this thoughtstream is reinforced.

Yes, your best friend believes in you. But what else? Maybe they want you to see how hard you have worked. What you have overcome to be here. Maybe they point out the good things happening in your life. Maybe they remind you of the support you have right here in your mind as you conjure up this best friend to talk to. Maybe they remind you that by conjuring them in this moment you are practicing self-compassion.

Our current programming might be a problem

Reprogramming sounds a little gross but it is better than rewiring the brain. Let’s just say that we can change the language our brain produces by training it on more language that is to our benefit. This involves attention and intention.

Setting an intention to be aware and train your attention on beneficial language as well as being aware of when you are paying attention to non-beneficial language.

Take the news for example. It is easy to get caught up thinking that the news is helping you. It is keeping you “informed” or “important things” right? But then notice how you feel afterwards. Do you start thinking about how the world “should be”? Does this feel good?

A good journaling practice is to ask yourself what information did I consume today that benefited me in some way? Maybe you researched something for work or planning a vacation and this feels good. But what about that awful thing that happened hundreds of miles away? Maybe you think it made you more alert to danger or informed as to how to vote. I’m not saying it didn’t but at this point in your life couldn’t you just check your gut to see what you think is right? In fact this news and opinion you consume could act to undermine that instinct. Do you really believe you need to carry a side-arm to go to the grocery store? If you do ask yourself why? Chances are it is much more because of some stuff your read than what your instincts are telling you.

We’re not all that logical

The other problem with language is we are kind of easily fooled by it. There are dozens of these documented but the most important bias we should know about is our negativity bias. We are in some ways a bunch of deer on hair pin triggers for danger.

Knowing about bias alone cannot save us. Researchers can tell a group of subjects that they are going to deceive them and how they are going to deceive them, and chances are they will still be deceived. Being aware of cognitive biases isn’t really making us bulletproof but it could help to know they exist, if nothing more than to convince us that we aren’t the brilliant logicians we think we are.

What does the language model say

I asked it and here is its conclusion:

In conclusion, our brains can be compared to complex language models, where our thoughts and emotions are generated based on the language we consume and the patterns we encounter. While we may not have direct control over our thoughts, we can influence them by consciously choosing the information we consume and training our brains to focus on more beneficial language.

To reprogram our brains, it is essential to set intentions, practice awareness, and develop a sense of self-compassion. By engaging in activities like journaling and invoking the support of a metaphorical "best friend," we can reinforce the thought streams that help us build resilience, positivity, and self-belief.

Additionally, recognizing the fallibility of our logical thinking due to cognitive biases and our natural negativity bias can help us develop a more nuanced understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Ultimately, reprogramming our brains requires a proactive approach to consume language that empowers us, fosters growth, and promotes well-being, while also acknowledging the inherent limitations and biases that govern our thinking.

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